Can Vitamin C Boost Fertility? Exploring the Benefits of this Essential Nutrient

Can Vitamin C Boost Fertility? Exploring the Benefits of this Essential Nutrient

Used as far back as the late 15th Century, vitamin C contributes to countless body processes, including immunity, metabolic reactions, and much more. An essential antioxidant, vitamin C has been found to be vital for female and male reproductive health, as it can benefit the health quality of eggs and sperm, as well as influence hormonal health, ovulation, and various reproductive issues.Ā Ā Ā Ā 

Vitamin Cā€™s Role as an Antioxidant

Vitamin C1, or L-ascorbic acid, is a multifunctional, water-soluble nutrient that is typically consumed via nutritional or supplemental sources. Vitamin C is a truly powerful antioxidant, which is a type of nutrient that protects against cellular damage from harmful molecules called free radicals.Ā 

While needed for normal processes, like ovulation, excess free radicals can lead to oxidative stress, which can disrupt female and male fertility2. However, taking antioxidant supplements, including vitamin C, may reduce oxidative stress and any resulting inflammation. Itā€™s been found to regenerate other antioxidants, such as vitamin E. These antioxidative properties may explain how vitamin C supports female and male fertility, including egg and sperm quality and pregnancy rates.Ā 

How Vitamin C Benefits Female Fertility

Vitamins C and E cooperate in combating oxidative stress, which is associated with diminished ovarian reserve and poor egg quality. These nutrients may also promote higher fertilization rates and more high-quality embryos, and increase the number of ovarian follicles (tiny fluid sacs that hold eggs). This improves ovulation, especially among women under 35 years old. This combination may contribute to the gradual thickening of the endometrium (uterine lining); a thinner lining is linked with difficulty getting pregnant.

Vitamin C is linked to higher-quality eggs and improved conception. It may also hold its benefits for endometriosis, as itā€™s been shown that patients taking 1,000 mg daily for two months experienced improved egg and embryo quality. Vitamin C may improve hormone levels and increase fertility in women with luteal phase defects. This involves the uterine lining failing to grow properly each month, increasing the difficulty to become or remain pregnant. Studies show that vitamin C may also reduce birth defect risks.Ā 

How Vitamin C Supports Male Fertility

Together, vitamins C and E may hold important benefits for sperm health and function3, including quality, count, and motility (movement). After taking two supplements daily for up to 2 months sperm motility was found to increase by 92% and sperm count by more than 100%, while the proportion of deformed sperm cells decreased by 55%. Vitamin C may raise levels of the male hormone, testosterone, resulting in a livelier libido (sex drive). It may also benefit erectile dysfunction, by improving the ability to maintain an erection and ensuring that penile blood vessels relax and open.Ā Ā 

Shop Supplements with Vitamin C for Fertility

Nutrabloom carries a wide array of vitamin C supplements, formulated by fertility experts, and designed to support fertility, including egg and sperm health and quality, hormonal health, and various reproductive conditions. The following Nutrabloom products provide vitamin C, in its optimal forms:




Female Fertility, Fertility, Men's Fertility, Supplements, Vitamin C

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