Your Questions, Answered: CoQ10 Fertility FAQ
Yes, CoQ10 supplementation can improve conception, as it has been shown to support egg and sperm quality, as well as pregnancy rates. Many fertility experts consider this nutrient to be an important component of any fertility treatment plan.
For couples considering assisted reproductive technology (ART), CoQ10 may support in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment, as it may increase pregnancy rates; one study showed that women with higher concentrations in the fluid surrounding their eggs experienced better-quality embryos and higher pregnancy rates.
Taking daily multivitamins and for women, prenatal vitamins, may also benefit fertility health. Additionally, NutraBloom offers multiple products rich in antioxidants, nutrients found to defend against cellular damage caused by harmful molecules, called free radicals. While necessary for certain processes, like ovulation, excess free radicals can lead to oxidative stress, which can damage cell health and function. Antioxidants may support female and male fertility, including improving egg and sperm quality and pregnancy rates.
Before trying to become pregnant naturally, it is typically recommended that CoQ10 supplements be taken for at least 90 days. For women undergoing IVF, it’s generally recommended to start taking CoQ10 supplements about three months before they start treatment.
These nutrients may also support male fertility, including sperm health and hormone production. Additionally, men may opt to take daily supplements of vitamin D, the mineral zinc, and such antioxidants as lycopene and grape seed extract. There are also nutrients, like the antioxidants vitamins C and E, that often work closely together to promote fertility. For women, these benefits may include those for ovulation, fertilization and egg health, and such conditions as endometriosis. They may also benefit male fertility, specifically sperm health and function.
CoQ10 supplementation has been found to increase the number of ovarian follicles, which are small fluid sacs that hold eggs. Studies show that this nutrient significantly reduces oxidative stress levels in follicles, especially among women under 35 years old.
If you’re taking CoQ10 for sperm health, it’s not clear how long it will take until you notice improvements. However, after puberty, new sperm cells are produced continuously, and on average, they take about two and a half months to fully develop. One study from 2004 showed that taking CoQ10 for six months improved semen parameters.
With reduced levels of CoQ10, sperm receive less cellular energy, impacting their quality and making them less viable for conception. However, various studies show that CoQ10, whether taken alone or with other antioxidants, may support sperm health and quality. Increased CoQ10 levels are associated with improved motility, concentration, and sperm count, all of which contribute to the likelihood of fertilizing an egg.
Should you be dealing with infertility, you may not be sure when to schedule an appointment with a fertility specialist, if at all. These physicians receive special training in treating men and women with conception issues, and typically, they’re board-certified in both obstetrics and gynecology, and possibly, reproductive endocrinology and infertility. When deciding whether to see a fertility specialist, certain factors, such as your age, or having existing conditions, like thyroid disease or PCOS, may factor into your decision. It’s recommended that women first talk with their gynecologist or primary care physician if they are either:
- Under age 35, and have not conceived after a year of unprotected sex.
- Are 35 years or older, and have not conceived after six months of unprotected sex.
If you’re ready to connect with a specialist, request a consultation with our trusted network today.