Your Questions, Answered: L-Citrulline Fertility FAQ
Yes, L-citrulline has been shown to improve such birth outcomes as placental blood vessel development, fetal growth restriction, preterm birth, and low birth weight. It also may reduce high blood pressure during pregnancy, helping to prevent preeclampsia.
L-citrulline may impart some benefits for female fertility through its conversion into L-arginine and its role in the L-arginine-nitric oxide (NO) system, which plays a critical role in reproduction, including folliculogenesis (maturation of the ovarian follicles), oocyte maturation, fertilization, embryogenesis, implantation, placentation, pregnancy, and delivery. While supplementation may provide some protective effects against oxidative stress, more research is still needed.
Via its conversion into L-arginine, L-citrulline supplements may promote the treatment and prevention of preeclampsia. This dangerous condition, generally occurring after the 20th week of pregnancy, involves high blood pressure, protein in the urine, and organ damage. L-arginine may effectively lower blood pressure in affected women, and reduce risks with a higher likelihood of developing preeclampsia.
Yes, and research suggests that this amino acid may be one of the more important nutrients for sperm and semen health and quality. The conversion into L-arginine enables the stimulation of sex glands, and their secretions may promote sperm formation. It’s been shown that supplementation may help to improve the quality of semen, including for such criteria as quantity, total number, mobility, and semen antioxidant capacity, its total amount of activity.
Furthermore, a supplemental combination of L-citrulline, L-arginine, French maritime pine bark extract, and an oak wood extract (called roburins), was found to significantly improve sperm volume and concentration, motility, vitality, and morphology.
Yes, likely due to its role in nitric oxide formation, L-citrulline is crucial for erectile dysfunction. Essentially, via its role as a sex-enhancing neurotransmitter, NO helps to remove free radicals and promote blood flow to the sex organs. NO can relax arteries and small blood vessels, which can improve sexual response by maintaining the penis’ blood flow.
Yes, in its role as an L-arginine precursor, this amino acid has been found to defend men against testosterone loss occurring as the result of testicular damage. Among older men with erectile dysfunction, L-arginine also increased hormonal levels and helped with sexual dysfunction. Remarkably, these supplements may even benefit testosterone levels in men with testes damaged by heat or food poisoning.